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Winterparty BK Slovenia I 2025, 18.1.2025, CH Vič, Dravograd. Sodelujoči tudi predstavniki Blue knights Austria I, Austria IV, Belgium VI, Croatia I in Serbia I.
Na skupščini smo precej časa izkoristili za dogovore o organizaciji letošnje 20 letnice kluba. S slovesnim sprejemom članstvo kluba povečali s petimi novimi člani.
Kot vedno lepo preživet popoldan, ki se je raztegnil v večer.
Winterparty BK Slovenia I 2025, 18.1.2025, CH Vič, Dravograd. Participadet representatives of Blue knights Austria I, Austria IV, Belgium VI, Croatia I and Serbia I.
At the general meeting we used a lot of time to make arrangements for the organization of our 20th anniversary of the club this year. With the ceremonial reception, the club’s membership increased by five new members.
As always, a well-spent afternoon, which stretched into the evening.
Matjaž Preskar, documentalist BK SLO I